Significant Wizdom II: Atypical (preview/purchase)
Significant Wizdom II: Atypical (iTunes)
Significant Wizdom II: Atypical is the latest offering from unorthodox femcee Signif. She spent time promoting the album via the previously reviewed singles: “Rocket Fuel (PCP)” and “I Rather.” The project marks the end of about a year long hiatus for the intricate rapper. It consists of twelve total tracks and was completely produced by Gee Wiz. This is what was else the site learned about the LP: “On this album I choose to talk about issues like living a healthy lifestyle, being financially responsible, and being a positive voice for my community,” Signif says of the album, which was inspired by the ’60s / ’70s revolutionary era. “I sprinkle this message throughout the project while also speaking on where I am right now and what’s going on in my world.” Get the scoop on a few additional tracks after the break.
“Bite My Head Off”
It should be noted that this record is the album’s third single. The track opens with a clip from a protest or march of sorts. From there the production kicks in. The production is good. It contains a powerful bass, intense secondary elements, and a serious vibe. The hook is quality. The delivery is interesting and the lyrics are candid. The verses are on target. Signif exhibits a crisp flow, quick wordplay, and tenacious rhymes. She demonstrates a strong sense of determination while at the same time sharing her feelings and beliefs on certain subject matters. She spits: “Cause you will not drag me to hell with ya whack philosophies. I’m undisputed when it comes to these policies. I make it work for me. Not waiting on no prophecy. Not saying that I don’t believe. I’m fully bred to achieve. Surpassing the American dream. Though it’s not right for me. Because the essence of me genes. Not talking skinnys. But what’s the skinny for a young educated female?” Fresh words being put forth in those bars. Overall, this song is a hit and a smart choice for the third single.
“Health, Wealth, and Love”
The production here is low key compared to the previous track. It entails subtle components, a captivating rhythm, and a down to earth vibe. The hook is moderate. The delivery is clean. The lyrics are self-explanatory. The verses are fulfilling. Signif contributes a graceful flow, logical wordplay, and detailed rhymes. She breaks down her new positive lifestyle choices and practices with a hint of pride in her tone. She divulges: “Been praying daily. Cleaning out my system. Everything’s a go. Follow my intuition. Eating healthy, steady chopping veggies. No animals allowed. I barely mess with dairy. On the cheese and yogurt tip but not too heavy. Almond milk, tofu, plus some raw veggies. Extra virgin olive oil before I saute. But not too high. Never liked the bitter taste.” One has to appreciate the wholesome picture painted in those words. All in all, this is a valiant effort.
“Flying High”
This is the final record on the album. The production here is great. The soulful ingredients, unhurried pace, and lenient vibe make for a suitable combination . The hook is excellent. It features perfectly sampled vocals and uncomplicated lyrics. The verses are proficient. Signif serves up a consistent flow and eminent rhymes. She provides insight on what inspired her new found changes and as always speaks her mind on life and worldly topics. A few lines worth observing are: “They say good things come to those who wait. So I guess bad things come to those who take. Or skip they place. Even when they rhymes half baked. But whatever the case, I’m still finishing. Maybe not first. In my mind I’m good. On paper is better. Rock a crowd with a vendetta with open letters. To my main contenders hoping you hear me better. If not there’s more to come. Before she succumbs.” That’s some sophisticated spitting going on right there. In the end, this track is a jewel and a creditable way to end the LP.
**My Two Cents: Significant Wizdom II: Atypical is another triumphant venture for Signif and Gee Wiz. She came with first-rate original content. And Gee Wiz created sounds that complimented her adequately. The two are a well-built team for sure. Readers looking for something different, should certainly give the album a spin. On a fun note, Signif is returning home to Milwaukee this week. She will be interviewed on 88.9 FM Radio Milwaukee on the 17th and she will be performing a small set at The Highbury on the 18th. So if local readers get the chance, they should show their support and catch the show. She is a dope live performer. -MinM