“Polaroids” (previous review)
Emmitt James is moving right along in the preparations for his upcoming project Black University. He released the visuals for the work’s first single “Polaroids” earlier today (10/22). A review for the Dee Phr3sh assisted track can be found above. Readers can lay their eyes on the video after the break.
The video was handled by Peter J Doucette. The concept for the flick is of a relatively simplistic nature. Emmitt James is sitting curbside with one of his friends and offers to spit his latest material for him. His friend is all for hearing it and James proceeds to go in a-cappella for him. From there, the two leave the curb and embark on a leisurely stroll down the road. They have a pretty nice day for it weather wise and Emmitt continues to drop his bars. Along the way, another one of Emmitt’s friends falls amusingly into the mix. Dee Phr3sh was sadly unable to make it out to be a part of the video. So during his portion of the record, the trio of guys goof off and have fun in a way that only young adults males can (lol). One can never go too wrong with exercise though. As the piece winds down, the track comes back around to the bit that was done sans music at the start of the vision. The video fades out with more testosterone filled antics. Overall, this is an easy and lighthearted effort.
**My Two Cents: This is a concise and pleasant video. I really enjoyed the concept. Emmitt and his friends seemed to have a genuinely good time. Plus, it was a smart way to focus on the music while at the same time bringing some life to the single. Readers will dig it undoubtedly. Emmitt James promises that Black University is on the horizon and will be well worth the wait. I believe it and am pumped to hear the new tunes. Check out his Tumblr account to stay up to date with future happenings and such. -MinM