The one and only Track Lacer has released another year long rap up for the city of Milwaukee. He breaks down 2012 by covering everything from the out of control homicides to the standings of the various local sports teams. He held nothing back and let his personal feelings be known. Whether they were good, bad, or, otherwise. Check out the visuals below.
The video starts off with a few shout outs. The site was one of them, so much love to Track Lacer as well. From there, the video is full of a wide range of clips based on the array of topics that Track touches on. It is a neat offering and he did an excellent job of summing up 2012 for the 414. A highlight of the video would be the footage of veteran emcee Common performing live at Summerfest. Overall, this was another top notch “rap up.” Apparently JSOnline thought so too as they featured the video on their site on New Years Eve. Check out the post here. And check out the “2011 Miltown Rap Up” here.
**My Two Cents: I was definitely digging this. Track covered all of the major events of one year in just five minutes. That is an awesome task. I especially enjoyed the brief acapella section at the end. Stay tuned to the site. Track is working on releasing a brand new mixtape and he promised to share. So be sure to check back. Readers can keep up with Track on Facebook. -MinM