Popular cartoon network Adult Swim has begun to discuss it’s new line up with shows premiering as early as this Summer. Amongst said shows is a cartoon centered around notorious boxer Mike Tyson. The show has been branded the Mike Tyson Mysteries. The cartoon will be a comedy that features Tyson as a detective whose face tattoo has magical powers. Additionally, Tyson will have a sidekick to help him solve the mysteries he encounters. That sidekick will be none other than a talking pigeon. The series is set to include some live action scenes as well as story-lines that revolve around topics such as why a famous author/werewolf can’t seem to complete his latest novel.
Tyson having an animal partner is not as weird as it may sound. Tyson had a six part documentary on Animal Planet back in 2011 called, Taking On Tyson. Then there is the fact that his role in the infamous Hangover movies was initially sparked by the main characters ending up with his pet tiger. So apparently Tyson has a thing for our non-human friends. Mike Tyson Mysteries will run for a quarter-hour and is a product of Warner Brothers Animation. Adult Swim was chosen to host the new toon due to the network’s reputation as one of the leading channels in entertainment. Plus, the network is said to have a very strong unique relationship with a healthy loyal audience; which gives them a considerable reach when it comes to: television, events, digital media, and promotions. This makes them very appealing to advertisers because it allows for unrestricted creative ventures. Other Urban based shows set to air in the new lineup include The Boondocks (Season 4) and Black Dynamite (Season 2). It is also rumored that creator of The Boondocks, Aaron McGruder, is in talks with Adult Swim for some pilot projects that he has up his sleeve. There has been no set release date given for the debut of the Mike Tyson Mysteries.
**My Two Cents: Adult Swim picks up the most bizarre shows ever. This one seems no different, smh. But fans are showing some interest in it so I guess they might be on to something. I don’t care for Tyson and the premise for the show is just too silly for me. So I won’t be tuning in. However, I am beyond excited for the new seasons of The Boondocks and Black Dynamite. And I’m curious to see those pilots that Aaron is sitting on. He does amazing work. Are you thinking about checking out the Mike Tyson Mysteries? Drop me a line in the comments section and share your thoughts. -MinM