The show took place at Club Enclave which is located in Atlanta, Georgia. The selection that was captured for the video is called “Parking Lot Pimpin.” As the single was highlighted in the site’s previous review of the album, thought it would be only fitting to share the flick with readers. Rod McCoy gives a signature performance with strong energy and great branding as he dons a hoodie decorated with the LP’s cover art. Conveniently enough said hoodie just so happens to currently be available for purchase. Those interested can check it out here. Additionally, he did a smooth job of filling in for his partner in crime and he had the crowd hanging with him pretty tough. That is a key part of any quality set. All in all, this was a first-rate watch. Readers should definitely take a peek. Also if you haven’t heard Selah yet, stop cheating yourself and hit up that Band Camp player. It’s one of the best projects to drop this year hands down. -MinM