The video was shot by Sergio Soprano (EsGee Films). The locations for the piece include simple outdoor based settings that compliment the tone of the selection. The concept for the vision basically just revolves around EZ and Trunk embracing the tense energetic nature of the track. They give engrossing performances individually as well as in a group set up. To add to the lure of the flick there is a bit of editing magic at work such as clever manipulations of color and black & white hues, speedy transitions, etc. The conclusion sees a close up of EZ Money beginning to roll up per Trunk’s request before the camera abruptly cuts off. Next there is a ‘to be continued’ notice followed by a couple of final credits. All in all, this was a spotless effort.
**My Two Cents: I enjoyed both the song & video components here. The single has hood anthem written all over it and the video matches up quite nicely. EZ Money and Trunk Bussa slayed their performances. They both have a great presence that effortlessly connects with the viewer. And though subtle the optical nuances made a very favorable impression. My only complaint was that it has to be continued (lol). Can’t wait to see the follow up visual. -MinM