Local artist Rustik (SGsetmobbsquad) took his solo turn last month and dropped a brand new single/video. The track is titled “Buzzards” and it was produced by Jay Thomas. The single contains an intense beat, harsh content, and a foreboding tone. See what happened when those elements were put into action below.
This video was filmed by Monk-bms. Editing was handled by both Monk and Rustik. The flick takes place at night in various scarcely lit locations. The plot for the video centers around Rustik being his usual revved up unconventional self. He rocks a degree of varying looks. He also has an alluring yet mysterious co-star present. The visuals come to a finish with abstract close up shots of flames. All in all, this was a provocative watch.
**My Two Cents: I like Monk-bms and Rustik as a duo but it’s nice to see them venture out on the individual tip every once in a while too. I thought this was a cool track. The production is sick and Rustik came with some attention grabbing content. The video was pretty solid too. A storyline would have enhanced the piece though. Something Thriller or Horror themed would have taken it to an entirely different level. But it was dope. Be sure to check out the new SGsetmobbsquad page on Facebook to keep up with both Rustik and Monk-bms. -MinM