Poetry and Hip-Hop have always had a close relationship. After all, music is basically just poetry tailored to a beat with a hook thrown into the mix. A lot of artists even got their starts via the literary world and then transitioned over into music. So it comes as no surprise that a poet would find inspiration in a rapper. This is the case for the latest selection by Milwaukee based expressive soul Tiki Da Poet. As she is a fan of popular yet controversial underground/indie rapper Tech N9ne, she was moved to dedicate a piece to him. Find out what she had to say in honor of the peculiar Kansas City emcee after the break.
“A Poem 4 Tech N9ne”
(Poem By Tiki Da Poet)
U have a talent
That is unique
Ur personality
Is what drew me
Ur flow
Is like spitfire
Ur energy
Ur spirit
Ur soul
Is one of a kind
U have a way
Of expressin’ urself
From ur unique look
To ur unique wayz
Even tho I don’t know u
I feel like I’ve known u
For many years
ur openness & honesty
U share urself with people
To consider myself a FAN
Is an honor to me
But to consider myself as a
Technician feels special
I listen to ur lyrics
I hear ur pain
I hear ur pleasure
I feel ur all
U made a song for all ur fans
Now here’s a poem to u
Just to let u know
How appreciated & loved u r
Admired by many
Inspiring to more
Technician 4 Life
© Tiki Da Soulful Poet © 2011
This piece was written in a pretty free-spoken manner. It has a very open letter type of tone to it. The writing starts off with the personal characteristics about Tech N9ne that are found to be appealing. It’s no secret that he is a bit out of the ordinary to say the least. Which definitely contributes to his success and his Strange Music Inc brand. The middle section discusses just how Tech and his music have made an impact. The reader can really feel that Tiki’s devotion to the rapper is sincere and from the heart. The selection winds down with a message of giving back to Tech for his contributions to his fans or rather his “Technicians,” if you will. Overall, this was a wondrous tribute.
**My Two Cents: I too am a fan of Tech N9ne. Probably not enough to be a “Technician” but I definitely respect how he has built up his brand and manages to stay relevant without a big industry machine behind him, so to speak. And some of his songs are actually really dope despite the weirdness element (lol). I think it’s great that Tiki took the time to incorporate one of her favorite artists into her poetry. On another note, just for fun check out his latest video above. It’s for “Straight Out The Gate” which is a track off of his new album Something Else. -MinM